

Well, Wrestlemania 32 was a week ago and the most expected heel turn didn’t happen.Majority of the fans were expecting Roman Reigns to turn heel after winning the WWE World Heavyweight championship.Even I had story lines in my head where the Rock comes out to congratulate Reigns and he gets speared by the Big Dog.But nothing happened.Even at the post-Wrestlemania RAW there was no sign of Reigns turning heel by giving a promo that was anti-fans .

But after RAW was given control for a night(hoping for a permanent one) to Shane McMahon and the main event was a Fatal four way match with AJ Styles being the winner and the new no.1 contender for the gold.I can foresee that Reigns might turn heel very soon since AJ Styles is a fan favorite and this is going to heat up Reigns even more.

Plus to add to that, the promo he gave about being  neither the good guy nor the bad guy and he is just the guy was fantastic.And he gave out that promo with this IDGA* attitude and that was an indicator that he might turn heel during his feud with Styles.Seriously,Roman doesn’t suit to be a baby face.He is more of this bad ass Samoan guy and that is what fans want to see.Butttttt…

At the end of the day its all about the WWE writers and Mr.McMahon himself making the call of whether to turn Reigns heel or to stay with him being the baby face.So,time will tell whether the heel turn will happen or not.Maybe the creative team has a huge surprise for us and we have to just wait for it.You never know.


Photo courtesy:  WWE.com

It’s a New Year.Yes it is!

So I almost forgot that I actually had a WordPress site and since it’s a New Year, I want to revive it again. I had two so-called posts three years back and ever since then, this site has been buried to the grounds like some of the WWE underrated talents *coughs*  Finn Balor. So, with fingers crossed I hope to post more interesting information, facts and thoughts regarding the rasslin’ world.



May this year be Phenomenal like the debut and entrance of AJ Styles sometime ago when I decided to create this site.







Attitude Era.My favorite era


When someone asks you what is the Attitude era,you just tell them that WWE was at its peak during this era.Ratings were high up and the shows were more enjoyable back then.I was a huge fan of Stone Cold Steve Austin and every time I hear the glass break,I get goosebumps and BAHGAWDDD I really miss those days.

F-bombs and middle fingers everywhere.I was seven back then when I used to watch RAW just like every other fan on Tuesdays.It was not a three hour long program but there was a lot of story to be told in that one single episode.Good matches and interesting story lines.That is what the Attitude era was all about.

Not forgetting the story of the Brothers of Destruction,the Undertaker and Kane.I used to believe they were actually brothers when I was kid until one day I got to know that they were not and wrestling was scripted.But what can you expect right,its called sports entertainment for a reason.The whole Kane and Undertaker character was just awesome adding in the Father of Destruction,Paul Bearer and it made the characterization even perfect.

Whoever that was unable to smell what the Rock is cooking sadly has missed one of the most charismatic wrestler(although he makes appearances on and off nowadays).Every single time he takes the mic and says something,he creates a new catchphrase.There are some catchphrases like “Know your role and shut your mouth..” and “Layin’the smackdown..” that were my favorites.

D Generation X was also one of the most famous stables other than Nation of Domination that ruled the Attitude era.The crotch chops and the catchphrases like “Are you ready?” and “If you’re not down with that,we got two words for ya..Suck it!!” were all part of my Attitude era dictionary.

And finally the toughest SOB in WWE, Stone Cold!!Stone Cold!! like how Jim Ross use to shout.Everything right from his entrance to his stunners and to his beer drinking plus his feud with Mr.McMahon was amazing.There was this episode where Austin actually brought in a beer truck and sprayed it all over McMahon.AWESOME RIGHT!! Every kid from the Attitude era would still remember this scene.A memorable one.

Time may past,age may increase but one thing that never changes is the memories I have from the Attitude era.One of the most successful eras in sports entertainment history.Let me quote the Texas Rattlesnake here.”And that’s the bottom line cos Stone Cold said so..”(glass breaks) .


Photo courtesy:wrestlingdvdnetwork.com